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Article summary:

1. PYUR Advance TV is a HD receiver from PYUR that offers 68 HD channels, as well as TV streaming on smartphones and tablets.

2. The Advance TV Box includes features such as recording and programming recordings, and can be rented for 5€ per month.

3. PYUR also offers a Kombi package with internet and telephone, which includes the HDTV option for 10€ per month.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the features offered by PYUR's Advance TV service, including the number of channels available in HD quality, the ability to stream content on mobile devices, and the availability of recording functions. The article is generally reliable in its description of these features; however, it does not provide any information about potential risks associated with using this service or any other drawbacks that may be associated with it. Additionally, while the article does mention that there is an additional cost associated with renting the Advance TV Box, it does not provide any details about what this cost entails or how much it might be. Furthermore, while the article mentions that there is a Kombi package available that includes both internet and telephone services along with HDTV for 10€ per month, it does not provide any further details about what this package includes or how much it costs overall. As such, readers may find themselves unable to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase this service without more detailed information about its costs and benefits.