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Article summary:

1. AI art is becoming increasingly popular and has been in the news recently.

2. There are two ways to make AI art with an iPhone: using a free app like Dream by WOMBO or using Midjourney, which requires a Discord account and may require payment for further access.

3. Midjourney offers more customization options than the free apps, but users should be aware of its parameters and read the official user manual before creating artwork.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides clear instructions on how to create AI art with an iPhone, as well as information about the different tools available for this purpose. The article also mentions potential ethical issues related to AI-generated art, such as taking paid work away from human artists. However, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with using these tools, such as data privacy concerns or copyright infringement. Additionally, while the article does mention some of the advantages of using Midjourney over other tools, it does not provide any counterarguments or explore any potential drawbacks of using this tool. Furthermore, while the article does provide some examples of prompts that can be used to generate AI art, it does not provide any evidence to support its claims that these prompts will produce good results. Finally, while the article does mention that nudity and excessive gore should be avoided when creating AI art, it does not discuss any other potential legal implications that could arise from creating such artwork.