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Article summary:

1. A methodology, the periodic functions fitting with varying parameter (PFF-VP), is presented to fit the time series of snow depth on Arctic sea ice obtained from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System (AMSR-E).

2. The PFF-VP is validated by experiments in which part of the observations are artificially removed and used to compare with the fitting results.

3. Results indicate that the PPF-VP performs better than three traditional fitting methods, with its fitting results closer to observations and with smaller errors.

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed overview of a methodology for fitting the time series of snow depth on Arctic sea ice obtained from satellite data. The authors present their proposed method, called Periodic Functions Fitting with Varying Parameter (PFF-VP), and validate it through experiments in which part of the observations are artificially removed and compared to the fitting results. The results indicate that PFF-VP performs better than three traditional fitting methods, with its fitting results closer to observations and smaller errors.

The article appears to be well researched and reliable, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the proposed method as well as detailed experimental results that support its effectiveness. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the authors do mention other existing methods for fitting time series data, they focus primarily on their own proposed method without providing an in-depth comparison between them or exploring any potential drawbacks or limitations of their own approach. Additionally, while they provide evidence for their claims regarding PFF-VP's effectiveness, they do not explore any possible risks associated with using this method or discuss any counterarguments that may exist against it.

In conclusion, this article provides a thorough overview of a new methodology for fitting time series data related to snow depth on Arctic sea ice obtained from satellite data. While it appears to be reliable overall, there are some potential biases that should be noted such as lack of comparison between existing methods and lack of exploration into possible risks associated with using this method or counterarguments against it.