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Article summary:

1. Metadiscourse refers to discourse about discourse and includes devices such as words, phrases, and clauses that make coherent relations explicit, signal the text producer's attitude, or engage the reader.

2. Different classifications of metadiscourse have been proposed, with most sharing a functional Hallidayian approach and dividing taxonomies into two main categories: textual and interpersonal.

3. While ancient Arab grammarians did not explicitly identify metadiscourse, a survey of written texts reveals that Arab authors and scholars showed a growing interest in its role in their works across various fields such as philosophy, rhetoric, and linguistics.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of metadiscourse and its role in written communication. However, there are some potential biases and limitations in the article that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article relies heavily on English sources and scholars to define and explain the concept of metadiscourse. While this is understandable given the lack of research on the topic in Arabic, it may lead to a biased understanding of the concept that does not fully reflect its use and function in Arabic discourse.

Secondly, while the article acknowledges that Arab authors and scholars have implicitly used metadiscourse in their works, it does not provide any concrete examples or analysis of how this has been done. This limits the reader's understanding of how metadiscourse is used in Arabic discourse and its potential differences from English discourse.

Thirdly, the article presents a table of metadiscourse items in English but does not provide a similar table for Arabic. This further reinforces the bias towards English sources and limits the reader's understanding of how metadiscourse operates in Arabic.

Finally, while the article notes that different classifications have been proposed for metadiscourse, it does not explore any potential counterarguments or criticisms of these classifications. This limits the reader's ability to critically evaluate these classifications and their usefulness in analyzing metadiscourse.

Overall, while the article provides a useful introduction to the concept of metadiscourse, it could benefit from more balanced coverage that includes examples from both English and Arabic discourse and explores potential criticisms or limitations of existing classifications.