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Article summary:

1. There is a lack of research on Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse (MDSA), which is a highly stigmatized and misunderstood form of child sexual abuse.

2. Survivors of MDSA describe feeling guilt, shame, disgust, and confusion about their experiences.

3. Reddit provided a space for survivors to create community to process trauma, educate, and move towards recovery.

Article analysis:

This article provides an exploratory study into the experiences of survivors of MDSA using Reddit as a source of data. The article is well written and provides an in-depth analysis of the data collected from Reddit posts. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering the trustworthiness and reliability of this article.

First, the sample size used in this study was relatively small (82 posts). This could lead to potential bias in the results due to the limited number of participants included in the study. Additionally, since all data was collected from Reddit posts, it is possible that some participants may have been more likely to post than others due to their level of comfort with online platforms or willingness to share their experiences publicly.

Second, while the authors do provide some discussion regarding potential implications for practice based on their findings, they do not provide any concrete recommendations or solutions for how best to support survivors with interventions and resources more specifically. This could be seen as a limitation as it does not provide any practical advice for those working with survivors of MDSA or those looking for ways to increase awareness and understanding around this issue.

Finally, while the authors do discuss some potential mental health challenges experienced by survivors such as difficulties with interpersonal relationships, they do not explore any other long-term impacts that may result from MDSA such as physical health issues or economic consequences. This could be seen as another limitation as it does not provide a full picture of what survivors may experience after experiencing MDSA.

In conclusion, this article provides an interesting exploration into the experiences of survivors of MDSA using Reddit as a source of data but there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability such as its small sample size and lack of concrete recommendations or solutions for how best to support survivors with interventions and resources more specifically.