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Article summary:

1. This systematic mapping study identified 56 articles related to the long-term physical and psychological health impacts of flooding.

2. Most studies focused on psychological impacts, while relatively fewer studied physiological impacts such as health-related quality of life, cardiology, chronic diseases, and malnutrition.

3. Social support and interventions were found to be protective factors that can improve health outcomes in the long-term after flooding.

Article analysis:

The article “The long-term physical and psychological health impacts of flooding: A systematic mapping” is a comprehensive review of existing literature on the topic. The authors have used a systematic mapping method to collect and categorize all relevant literature, which is an appropriate approach for this type of research. The authors have also provided a detailed description of their methodology, which adds to the trustworthiness and reliability of the article.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors have only included studies with descriptions or measurements of health impacts over six months after flooding; this may lead to an incomplete picture as some longer-term effects may not be captured by this timeframe. Additionally, most studies focused on psychological impacts rather than physiological ones; this could lead to an overemphasis on one aspect at the expense of another.

In terms of missing points of consideration, it would have been useful if the authors had discussed how different populations are affected differently by flooding (e.g., children vs adults). Additionally, more information about possible interventions or strategies for mitigating long-term health impacts would have been beneficial for readers looking for practical advice on how to address these issues in their own communities or countries.

In conclusion, overall this article provides a comprehensive overview of existing literature on the topic and is generally reliable and trustworthy; however there are some potential biases that should be noted when interpreting its findings.