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Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market - ScienceDirect
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Article summary:

1. The senior leisure travel market is becoming increasingly important as the American population ages, with Baby Boomers accounting for about 30% of the total population.

2. Longitudinal research is necessary to determine the effects of generations and aging on senior tourism behavior and provide accurate forecasts of future consumer patterns and intentions.

3. The theory of generations, continuity theory, and human life cycle theory can be applied simultaneously to identify patterns or changes in the behavior of senior travelers over a 20-year period, including motives, attitudes, destination selection criteria, travel activities, and perceived travel barriers.

Article analysis:

The article "Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market" provides an overview of the senior tourism market in the US, highlighting its growing importance as the population ages. The article argues that a longitudinal approach is necessary to understand the changing behavior of senior travelers over time. It also discusses three theoretical frameworks - theory of generations, continuity theory, and human life cycle theory - that can be used to analyze this market.

While the article provides valuable insights into the senior tourism market, it has some potential biases and limitations. For example, it focuses primarily on the US market and does not consider global trends or differences in senior travel behavior across cultures. Additionally, while it acknowledges that existing studies have addressed temporal dimensions of travel, it does not provide a comprehensive review of these studies or their findings.

Furthermore, the article makes some unsupported claims about the characteristics and preferences of today's seniors compared to previous generations. While there may be some truth to these claims, they are not backed up by empirical evidence or a thorough analysis of generational differences in travel behavior.

The article also has some promotional content, particularly in its discussion of the importance of understanding senior travel behavior for marketers and tourism industry professionals. While this is certainly relevant information, it could be seen as biased towards promoting the interests of these groups rather than providing an objective analysis of senior travel behavior.

Overall, while "Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market" provides useful insights into this growing market segment, it would benefit from a more comprehensive review of existing research and a more balanced presentation of different perspectives on senior travel behavior.