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Article summary:

1. A recent study in the journal Contraception found that pro-life pregnancy help centers offer better and less expensive services than abortion facilities.

2. The study found that pregnancy centers had shorter appointment wait times than abortion facilities and were more likely to offer same-day appointments.

3. The authors of the Contraception study are academics affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh, and none has a connection with a pro-life group.

Article analysis:

The article is written from a pro-life perspective, which may lead to bias in its reporting. It does not present both sides equally, as it focuses solely on the benefits of pregnancy help centers over abortion facilities without exploring any potential drawbacks or counterarguments. Furthermore, there is no evidence provided for some of the claims made in the article, such as that competition from pregnancy help centers has an impact on abortion facilities. Additionally, while it mentions that the authors of the Contraception study are academics affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh, it does not provide any information about their qualifications or expertise in this field. Finally, there is promotional content throughout the article which could be seen as an attempt to sway readers towards a particular viewpoint.