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Article summary:

1. The temporal origin of water that plants use is mostly unknown in temperate ecosystems, and determining this is key to understanding how plants use and partition this essential resource.

2. Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in plant source water can be used as natural tracers in ecological, biogeochemical, hydrological and paleoclimate research.

3. A modified Hydrus-1D version was used to simulate the infiltration of precipitation into the soil and determine the residence time distribution (RTD) and mean residence time (MRT) of precipitation water in the soil for the years 2012–2015.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the use of stable isotopes to determine the residence times of soil water and the temporal origin of water taken up by two tree species in a temperate forest. The authors provide a detailed description of their study site, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. They also discuss the importance of understanding the temporal origin of plant source water for predicting how climate change-induced shifts in precipitation patterns will affect plant water availability.

Overall, the article appears to be well-researched and informative. However, there are some potential biases and limitations that should be considered. For example, the study only focuses on two tree species in one specific location, so it may not be representative of other ecosystems or plant species. Additionally, while the authors acknowledge that there may be fractionation during source water uptake by plants via roots, they assume that there is none for their analysis.

The article does not appear to have any significant one-sided reporting or unsupported claims. However, there are some missing points of consideration and evidence for the claims made. For example, while the authors discuss how δ2H and δ18O in tree rings and leaf wax lipids are used for climate reconstructions, they do not provide any specific examples or references to support this claim.

There are no unexplored counterarguments or promotional content in the article. However, it is worth noting that some readers may interpret the focus on stable isotopes as promoting a particular analytical technique over others.

The article does not appear to show partiality or present both sides equally since it is primarily focused on presenting research findings rather than debating different viewpoints. However, possible risks are noted regarding how climate change-induced shifts in precipitation patterns will affect plant water availability.

In conclusion, while there are some potential biases and limitations to consider, overall this article provides valuable insights into using stable isotopes to understand plant water uptake in temperate forests.