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Article summary:

1. This article examines the factors that make some regional international organizations (RIOs) in Africa more attractive to donors than others when it comes to receiving foreign aid.

2. The analysis is based on quantitative methods and a case study of the Southern African Development Community, and reveals that RIOs are most attractive when they operate in a range of policy fields, involve many member-states and are engaged in long-lasting collaborations with donors.

3. The findings suggest that a small number of RIOs are likely to continue to attract the bulk of funding, whereas poorly funded RIOs are unlikely to attract significant amounts of aid.

Article analysis:

This article provides an interesting analysis into why some regional international organizations (RIOs) in Africa receive more foreign aid than others. The authors provide a set of hypotheses which they then test using quantitative methods and a case study of the Southern African Development Community. The findings reveal that certain characteristics such as operating in multiple policy fields, involving many member-states and having long-term collaborations with donors make RIOs more attractive to donors than others.

The article is generally well written and provides an interesting insight into the topic at hand. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. Firstly, the authors focus solely on African RIOs which may lead to an oversimplification of the issue as other regions may have different dynamics at play when it comes to foreign aid allocation. Secondly, while the authors do mention conventional explanations for why RIOs attract funding such as being democratic or providing market access, they do not provide any evidence for these claims which could weaken their argument. Additionally, while the authors note that some RIOs receive no donor funding at all, they do not explore why this might be or what can be done about it which could provide further insights into this issue.

In conclusion, this article provides an interesting analysis into why some regional international organizations (RIOs) in Africa receive more foreign aid than others but there are some potential biases present which should be noted before drawing any conclusions from it.