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Article summary:

1. Dams are an important part of modern life, providing essential services such as drinking water, irrigation, navigation, flood control and recreation.

2. Traditional methods for detecting anomalies in dam behavior involve using predictive models to estimate the dam response under a given load combination.

3. This work proposes a method for detecting unpredictable anomalies in arch dams using machine learning (ML) classification models, based on real-time monitoring data and simulations of typical crack openings at different locations of the dam.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable in its presentation of the proposed method for detecting unpredictable anomalies in arch dams using machine learning (ML) classification models. The article provides a clear overview of the current state of anomaly detection methods used for dams, as well as a detailed description of the proposed ML approach and its potential benefits over traditional methods. The authors also provide evidence from experiments conducted on laboratory data to support their claims about the effectiveness of their approach.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the authors mention that their approach can be used to detect “unpredictable” anomalies, they do not provide any evidence or examples to demonstrate this claim. Additionally, while they discuss potential risks associated with their approach (such as false positives), they do not provide any concrete strategies or solutions for mitigating these risks. Finally, while they mention that their approach can be applied to other types of dams (e.g., earth dams and embankments), they do not provide any details or evidence regarding how it could be adapted for use in these contexts.