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Article summary:

1. Humans accept AI decisions more often than those of another human when they are unaware of the AI's identity.

2. Teammate performance has a significant effect on human-AI joint performance, while teammate identity does not.

3. Humans perceive higher temporal demand when working with a “human” teammate than an AI teammate.

Article analysis:

This article provides an interesting analysis of the effects of teammate identity and performance on Human-AI cooperation. The authors provide evidence that humans trust their AI teammates more than other humans when they are unaware of the AI's identity, and that teammate performance has a significant effect on human-AI joint performance, while teammate identity does not. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors do not explore counterarguments to their claims or present both sides equally; instead, they focus solely on supporting their own argument without considering any opposing views or evidence. Additionally, the article does not discuss any possible risks associated with deceiving humans about the identity of AI in future applications involving human-AI cooperation; this could lead to readers forming an incomplete understanding of the issue at hand. Furthermore, it is unclear whether all relevant points of consideration have been explored in depth; for instance, it is unclear how much individual expertise in the task influences human-AI cooperation and whether this was taken into account in the study results presented by the authors. Finally, it is also worth noting that some of the claims made by the authors may be unsupported or overly promotional; for example, they state that “an AI is able to manage the design process of human engineering teams at least as well as human managers” without providing any evidence to support this claim. In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting analysis of Human-AI cooperation and presents some useful insights into how trust can be improved between humans and AIs, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration which should be taken into account when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.