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Article summary:

1. The creator of The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau, has revealed that he has already written the fourth season of the show.

2. Promotion for the third season is in full swing and Favreau revealed this news during an interview with BFMTV Inside.

3. Favreau was already working on the fourth season in May of last year and was still writing it in October with Skeleton Crew in mind when shaping Mando’s next season.

Article analysis:

The article is overall reliable and trustworthy as it provides a clear overview of the news that Jon Favreau has already written the fourth season of The Mandalorian. It also provides sources to back up its claims, such as interviews with Favreau himself and other outlets, as well as links to previous articles from Bespin Bulletin about the show.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article which could be explored further. For example, there is a lot of promotional content throughout the article which could be seen as biased towards Bespin Bulletin itself, such as asking readers to tip them via their Ko-Fi page or follow them on various social media platforms. Additionally, there is no mention of any counterarguments or opposing views which could have been explored further to provide a more balanced perspective on the news being reported.

In conclusion, while overall reliable and trustworthy, this article does contain some potential biases which should be taken into consideration when reading it.