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Article summary:

1. Lithium disilicate based glass ceramic is a popular material for indirect restorations in dentistry due to its esthetic and mechanical properties.

2. Novel LDCs have been introduced to the market, but their microstructure and manufacturing process are not widely known, requiring proper guidelines and protocols for successful use.

3. Clinicians and technicians need to be aware of the differences in manufacturing and resulting microstructure of newer LDC materials to ensure a successful treatment outcome that will last.

Article analysis:



1. 文章提到“novel LDCs machinable blocks should be crystallized or heat-treated after milling for superior performance”,但并未给出充分证据支持这个主张。

2. 文章提到“Restorations made from LDCs are reliable and can be predictably used only when proper guidelines and protocols during manufacturing and clinical use are followed”,但并未详细说明这些指南和协议是什么,也没有提供相关的参考文献。

3. 文章提到“With more and newer etchable LDC materials entering the market, clinicians and technicians need to be aware of the differences in manufacturing and the resulting microstructure to ensure a successful treatment outcome that will last”,但并未探讨这些新材料可能带来的风险和挑战,也没有平等地呈现双方的观点。
