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Article summary:

1. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) released an analysis of the national passenger vehicle market in January 2021, showing that 74,000 new energy passenger vehicles were exported, accounting for 33% of total exports.

2. Tesla China accounted for 39,208 of these exports, followed by SAIC Passenger Vehicle (15,316), BYD Auto (10,409), Yijia Special (4,260), Great Wall Motor (1,244), Geely Automobile (749), Soueast Motor (722), Skyworth Digital Holdings (668) and Chery Automobile Co. Ltd. (565).

3. In terms of product deployment, the market base continues to expand as independent carmakers pursue multiple lines in new energy routes. Seven companies have exceeded 10,000 wholesale sales in January 2021 and new forces are gradually starting to export overseas markets.

Article analysis:

This article from IT之家 is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its use of official data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM). The article provides a comprehensive overview of the Chinese passenger vehicle market in January 2021 with detailed information on exports and wholesale sales figures for various carmakers. The article also provides insights into the performance of traditional carmakers such as SAIC Passenger Vehicle and Geely Automobile as well as newer players such as BYD Auto and Yijia Special.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not provide any information on imports or domestic sales figures which could provide a more complete picture of the Chinese passenger vehicle market in January 2021. Additionally, while it mentions that “new forces” are gradually starting to export overseas markets, it does not provide any details on which companies these “new forces” are or what their performance has been like so far. Furthermore, while it mentions that seven companies have exceeded 10,000 wholesale sales in January 2021 this is not put into context with previous months or years which could help readers understand how significant this figure is compared to other periods.

In conclusion, this article from IT之家 is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its use of official data from CAAM but there are some potential biases that should be noted such as lack of information on imports/domestic sales figures and lack of context when discussing wholesale sales figures for certain companies.