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Article summary:

1. Bioinspired structural design has been used to achieve superior impact resistance in protective materials.

2. Nacre from mollusk shells is generally regarded as one of the toughest body armors in nature, but studies are limited to quasi-static conditions.

3. With the increase of impact velocity, it is unclear whether nacre-like architectures are still suitable templates for impact-resistant structures.

Article analysis:

The article “Anomalous Inapplicability of Nacre-Like Architectures as Impact-Resistant Templates in a Wide Range of Impact Velocities” by Nature Communications provides an interesting insight into the potential limitations of nacre-like architectures as templates for impact-resistant structures when subjected to higher velocities. The article presents a comprehensive overview of the current research on bioinspired structural design and its potential applications in achieving superior impact resistance, and provides evidence that nacre from mollusk shells is generally regarded as one of the toughest body armors in nature. However, the article does not provide any evidence or data to support its claim that with increasing impact velocity, it is unclear whether nacre-like architectures are still suitable templates for impact-resistant structures. Furthermore, while the article mentions hybrid designs combining multiple bioinspired architectures as potential solutions for enhanced impact resistance, it fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with such designs or their implications on safety and performance. Therefore, while this article provides an interesting insight into the potential limitations of nacre-like architectures as templates for impact-resistant structures when subjected to higher velocities, it lacks sufficient evidence and fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally which makes it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability.