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Article summary:

1. This article discusses recent trends and developments in selective hydrogenation for fine chemicals.

2. It covers topics such as the design and preparation of catalysts and ligands, progress for selected catalytic transformations, transfer hydrogenation, and mechanistic issues.

3. It also provides an overview of enantioselective homogeneous catalysts, chiral monodentate phosphines, bidentate phosphines ligand families, novel bidentate ligand families with P-O and P-N bonds, oxazoline-based ligands, immobilized chiral complexes, heterogeneous catalysis (bimetallic, colloidal and modified catalysts), chemo- and enantioselective hydrogenation of ketones, diastereo- and enantioselective hydrogenation of CN functions, stereoselective hydrogenation of aromatic rings, chemoselectivity in the reduction of functionalized nitroarenes, chemoselectivity in debenzylation reactions, mild hydrogenation of carboxylic acid derivatives, chemoselective hydrogenation of nitriles.

Article analysis:

This article is a comprehensive review on recent trends and developments in selective hydrogenation for fine chemicals. The author provides an extensive overview on topics such as the design and preparation of catalysts and ligands; progress for selected catalytic transformations; transfer hydrogenation; mechanistic issues; enantioselective homogeneous catalysts; chiral monodentate phosphines; bidentate phosphines ligand families; novel bidentate ligand families with P-O and P-N bonds; oxazoline-based ligands; immobilized chiral complexes; heterogeneous catalysis (bimetallic, colloidal and modified catalysts); chemo- and enantioselective hydrogenation of ketones; diastereo- and enantioselective hydrogenation of CN functions; stereoselective hydrogenation of aromatic rings; chemoselectivity in the reduction of functionalized nitroarenes; chemoselectivity in debenzylation reactions; mild hydrogenation of carboxylic acid derivatives; chemoselective hydrogenation of nitriles.

The article is well written with clear explanations on each topic discussed. The author has provided sufficient evidence to support his claims throughout the article. Furthermore, he has presented both sides equally by providing a detailed overview on both homogenous catalysis as well as heterogenous catalysis. The article does not appear to be biased or promotional in any way. All possible risks associated with these processes have been noted throughout the article. Therefore this article can be considered reliable and trustworthy source for information regarding selective hydrogention for fine chemicals synthesis.