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Article summary:

1. This article reviews the effectiveness of parent-implemented language and communication interventions conducted via telepractice.

2. The review includes a systematic analysis of existing literature on the topic, including studies on speech and language pathologists’ perceptions of building rapport via telepractice, parent training in early autism, fidelity features of parent-implemented interventions for young children with disabilities, and more.

3. The article also discusses the quality indicators for group experimental and quasi-experimental research in special education, as well as potential biases and their sources that should be considered when evaluating the trustworthiness and reliability of the article.

Article analysis:

This article provides a systematic review of existing literature on the effectiveness of parent-implemented language and communication interventions conducted via telepractice. The review includes studies on speech and language pathologists’ perceptions of building rapport via telepractice, parent training in early autism, fidelity features of parent-implemented interventions for young children with disabilities, and more. The authors provide an extensive list of references to support their claims, which is a positive indication that they have done their due diligence in researching this topic.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when evaluating the trustworthiness and reliability of this article. For example, some studies may be biased towards certain types of interventions or outcomes due to researcher bias or lack of access to other types of data or evidence. Additionally, some studies may not present both sides equally or may be missing points of consideration or evidence for claims made. Furthermore, it is possible that promotional content has been included in some studies which could lead to an inaccurate representation or interpretation of results.

In conclusion, while this article provides a comprehensive overview of existing literature on the effectiveness of parent-implemented language and communication interventions conducted via telepractice, it is important to consider potential biases when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.