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Article summary:

1. Karpoori Thakur, a prominent political leader from Bihar, has been posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna for his efforts to uplift disadvantaged sections of society.

2. Thakur, despite belonging to a minority caste himself, emerged as a powerful backward caste leader in Bihar. However, he lost his influence to leaders from numerically stronger castes.

3. Thakur's major policy decisions included removing English as a compulsory subject, implementing prohibition of alcohol, and introducing a layered reservation system that had a significant impact on Bihar and the country.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Karpoori Thakur gets Bharat Ratna: His politics and policies" provides a brief overview of the life, career, and major policy decisions of Karpoori Thakur, a prominent political leader from Bihar who recently received the Bharat Ratna award. While the article touches upon some important aspects of Thakur's life and contributions, it also exhibits certain biases and shortcomings.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on the demand for Bharat Ratna for Thakur by political parties such as RJD and JD(U). By highlighting this demand, the article seems to promote these parties' agenda rather than providing an objective analysis of Thakur's politics and policies. This bias is further evident in the positive portrayal of Thakur's struggle for disadvantaged sections of society without adequately exploring any potential criticisms or controversies surrounding his actions.

The article also presents a one-sided view of Thakur's rise to power and subsequent decline. It emphasizes how leaders from numerically stronger castes took away his pole position without delving into the reasons behind this shift in power dynamics. This omission limits the reader's understanding of the complex political landscape in Bihar during that time.

Furthermore, while the article briefly mentions some of Thakur's major policy decisions, it fails to provide sufficient evidence or analysis to support their impact or effectiveness. For example, it states that his radical policy decisions had an outsized impact and resonate even today but does not provide any concrete examples or data to substantiate this claim. This lack of evidence weakens the credibility of the article's arguments.

Additionally, there are missing points of consideration in the article. For instance, it does not explore any potential counterarguments or criticisms against Thakur's policies such as reservation or prohibition of alcohol. By omitting these perspectives, the article presents a skewed view that only highlights positive aspects without acknowledging any potential drawbacks or controversies.

The article also exhibits promotional content by highlighting the current political players in Bihar who claim Thakur's legacy. This promotion of certain politicians and parties detracts from the objective analysis of Thakur's politics and policies.

In terms of partiality, the article seems to favor Thakur and his supporters by portraying him as a respected leader with a clean image. While it is important to acknowledge his personal integrity, it is equally crucial to critically examine his policy decisions and their impact on society.

Overall, the article lacks depth and balance in its analysis of Karpoori Thakur's politics and policies. It exhibits biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing evidence, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content, and partiality. A more comprehensive and objective analysis would require considering multiple perspectives, providing evidence for claims made, exploring potential criticisms or controversies, and presenting a balanced view of Thakur's contributions.