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Article summary:

1. Karpoori Thakur, a key figure in OBC politics in Bihar, has been posthumously nominated for India's highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna, on his birth centenary.

2. Thakur served as the chief minister of Bihar for two terms and implemented a complete ban on alcohol in 1970.

3. He is recognized for his contributions to Bihar and his efforts in social welfare, and his birth village was renamed Karpuri Gram in his honor.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Karpoori Thakur: A trendsetter in Bihar politics - All you need to know" provides a brief overview of Karpoori Thakur's life and his contributions to Bihar politics. However, there are several aspects of the article that can be critically analyzed.

Firstly, the article mentions that Karpoori Thakur has been posthumously nominated for the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, on his birth centenary. While this is an important piece of information, the article does not provide any evidence or sources to support this claim. It would have been beneficial to include statements from government officials or reliable sources confirming this nomination.

Secondly, the article highlights Thakur's implementation of a complete ban on alcohol in 1970 as one of his notable achievements. However, it fails to mention the impact and consequences of this decision. Prohibition policies often have mixed results and can lead to illegal alcohol trade, corruption, and loss of revenue for the government. By omitting these considerations, the article presents a one-sided view of Thakur's actions.

Additionally, the article briefly mentions Thakur's role in OBC politics in Bihar but does not provide any further details or analysis on this aspect. It would have been valuable to explore how Thakur influenced OBC politics and what his contributions were in this regard.

Furthermore, the article includes a timeline of major events from Thakur's life but does not provide any context or analysis for these events. This leaves readers with a list of facts without understanding their significance or impact on Thakur's political career.

Moreover, there is a lack of diversity in perspectives presented in the article. It primarily focuses on highlighting Thakur's achievements and positive contributions without exploring any potential criticisms or controversies surrounding him. This creates a promotional tone rather than providing a balanced analysis.

In terms of biases, the article seems to have a positive bias towards Thakur and his political career. It portrays him as a "trendsetter" and emphasizes his achievements without critically examining them or presenting alternative viewpoints.

Overall, the article provides a basic overview of Karpoori Thakur's life and contributions to Bihar politics but lacks depth, analysis, and balanced reporting. It would have been more informative and comprehensive if it had included diverse perspectives, explored potential criticisms, provided evidence for claims made, and analyzed the impact of Thakur's actions.