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Article summary:

1. Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a heterogeneous disease with poor outcomes and lacks specific targets for treatment.

2. Androgen-receptor (AR) signaling has been targeted in luminal AR subtype TNBCs, but resistance to AR inhibitors can occur.

3. The BET inhibitor JQ1 showed potent anti-tumor effects against AR-positive TNBC cell lines by blocking interactions among ATAD2, BRD2, BRD4, and AR and suppressing the expression of AR-associated targets. JQ1 also exhibited significant anti-tumor activity in vivo as a monotherapy and in combination with anti-AR therapy.

Article analysis:

该文章提出了一种新的治疗AR-positive TNBC的方法,即使用BET抑制剂JQ1。然而,该文章存在一些潜在的偏见和问题。




