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Article summary:

1. Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, has stated that the Russians are going to propose the so-called Korean option of settling the war with Ukraine, which implies the division of the country.

2. Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Russian President, is trying to persuade Europeans to sign "peace deals" akin to Minsk-3.

3. Danilov recently said that Russia was getting ready for an escalation of the situation on the line of contact in February.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a clear overview of Oleksii Danilov's statements regarding Russia's intentions towards Ukraine and its potential involvement in a Korean-style division of the country. The article also mentions Dmitry Kozak's attempts to persuade Europeans to sign peace deals akin to Minsk-3 and Danilov's warning about an escalation in February. The article is well sourced with quotes from Danilov himself and other sources mentioned in passing.

However, there are some potential biases present in this article that should be noted. Firstly, it does not provide any counterarguments or perspectives from other parties involved in this conflict such as Russia or Belarus. Secondly, it does not explore any possible risks associated with accepting such a proposal or any potential consequences for Ukraine if it were to accept such a deal. Thirdly, while it does mention Korea's regret over making concessions during their own conflict, it does not provide any further evidence or analysis on why they may have regretted doing so or what lessons can be learned from their experience. Finally, while there is no promotional content present in this article, it could be argued that its focus on Ukrainian security issues could be seen as biased towards one side of this conflict.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its clear overview and sourcing of information related to Oleksii Danilov's statements regarding Russia's intentions towards Ukraine and its potential involvement in a Korean-style division of the country, there are some potential biases present which should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.