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Article summary:

1. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict started 75 years ago when the UN proposed a two-state solution, which Israel accepted but the Arabs rejected.

2. The actions of Israel in defending itself against terrorism may generate hatred, but it is necessary to protect its citizens.

3. The Jewish position on hostage exchanges is complex, as while efforts should be made to bring hostages home, releasing Palestinian prisoners who have committed crimes against Israel raises questions of justice and safety.

Article analysis:

The article titled "It Didn't Start October 7th" published in The Jewish Weekly presents a biased and one-sided perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The author, who is a rabbi, fails to provide a balanced analysis of the situation and instead promotes a pro-Israel narrative.

Firstly, the article dismisses the Secretary-General of the United Nations' statement that the conflict started 75 years ago when Israel was established. The author argues that it was actually the Arabs who rejected the two-state solution and waged a genocidal war against Israel. While it is true that there were conflicts between Arab states and Israel after its establishment, this oversimplifies a complex history of competing national aspirations and geopolitical dynamics.

The author also criticizes former President Barack Obama for suggesting that Israel's actions may generate more hatred and create more jihadists. Instead of engaging with this argument, the author compares it to suggesting that fighting against Nazis would have created more enemies for the United States and United Kingdom. This comparison is flawed as it ignores the specific context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and fails to address legitimate concerns about how certain Israeli policies may contribute to radicalization.

Furthermore, when discussing hostage exchanges, the author downplays Palestinian prisoners' crimes by highlighting specific cases where they were involved in attacks against Israelis. While it is important to acknowledge these acts of violence, it is equally important to recognize that many Palestinians held in Israeli prisons are political prisoners or have been detained without trial. By focusing solely on their crimes, the author ignores broader issues related to due process and human rights.

The article also fails to explore counterarguments or present alternative perspectives on these issues. It lacks nuance and critical analysis, instead relying on emotional appeals and simplistic narratives.

Additionally, there are instances of promotional content throughout the article. The author praises Israel's resilience and determination without acknowledging any potential negative consequences of its actions or policies. This one-sided approach undermines the credibility of the article and suggests a lack of objectivity.

Overall, this article demonstrates a clear bias in favor of Israel and fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It presents unsupported claims, ignores counterarguments, and promotes a one-sided narrative that does not adequately address the complexities of the situation.