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Article summary:

1. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who died at the age of 100, was remembered as a great statesman and friend of Israel.

2. Kissinger played a significant role in Middle East peace efforts, including his shuttle diplomacy during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

3. Global leaders, including President Isaac Herzog and former presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump, paid tribute to Kissinger's intellect and diplomatic contributions.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Kissenger was great statesman and friend of Israel" provides a tribute to former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who recently passed away. While the article offers various perspectives on Kissinger's legacy, it is important to critically analyze its content for potential biases and missing information.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on positive tributes and praise for Kissinger. The article primarily highlights statements from global leaders, politicians, and diplomats who speak highly of Kissinger's accomplishments and influence. This one-sided reporting may overlook or downplay criticisms of Kissinger's controversial policies, such as his involvement in the Vietnam War and support for authoritarian regimes.

Additionally, the article presents unsupported claims about Kissinger's impact on Middle East peace. It states that Kissinger's "shuttle diplomacy" helped end the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but it does not provide evidence or analysis to support this claim. Without further context or counterarguments, readers are left with a one-sided view of Kissinger's role in the region.

The article also includes promotional content by mentioning that Kissinger remained a sought-after political figure even in his later years. It notes that both Republicans and Democrats sought his expertise through his consulting business. This promotional tone may detract from a more critical examination of Kissinger's actions and policies.

Furthermore, the article lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives on Kissinger's legacy. It does not include any dissenting voices or critical analysis of his controversial decisions. This omission limits the reader's ability to form a well-rounded understanding of Kissinger's impact.

Overall, while the article provides some insights into global leaders' perspectives on Henry Kissinger, it exhibits potential biases through its one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, promotional content, and lack of critical analysis. A more balanced approach would have included diverse viewpoints and explored both positive and negative aspects of Kissinger's career.