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Article summary:

1. The public is increasingly paying attention to international cooperation on climate change, as evidenced by the rising volume of media coverage.

2. The most successful COPs peak on day 1, suggesting that having a purpose and curating the media engine are important for attracting public attention.

3. Political polarization in the US affects how different sides pay attention to climate change, with liberals giving more attention to physical harms and paying more attention to COPs than conservatives.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the increasing public attention to international cooperation on climate change, as evidenced by the rising volume of media coverage. It also looks at how political polarization in the US affects how different sides pay attention to climate change, with liberals giving more attention to physical harms and paying more attention to COPs than conservatives.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims and cites sources for further reading. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article focuses primarily on US media coverage of climate change, which may not accurately reflect global trends or perspectives on the issue. Additionally, while it acknowledges political polarization in the US regarding climate change, it does not explore counterarguments or present both sides equally; instead it focuses mainly on liberal perspectives and arguments in favor of taking action on climate change. Furthermore, while it mentions possible risks associated with certain strategies for addressing climate change (such as using carbon offsets), these risks are not explored in depth or discussed in detail. Finally, some of the language used throughout the article could be seen as promotional or biased towards certain strategies for addressing climate change (such as emphasizing “bold agreements”).

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its evidence-based approach and citation of sources for further reading, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its content.