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Article summary:

1. Biochar soil amendment has been proposed as a way to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and improve crop productivity, but the effects of biochar on N2O emissions and rice growth are inconsistent.

2. This study investigated how biochar and its residue after washing affected nitrogen transformation and rice growth, with respect to spatial variability.

3. The addition of biochar and its extract generally increased N concentration in the roots and grains for plants grown in the near-char zone, while decreasing N concentrations for those in the far-char zone.

Article analysis:

The article “Intact and washed biochar caused different patterns of nitrogen transformation and distribution in a flooded paddy soil” is an informative piece that provides insight into the effects of biochar on nitrogen transformation in soils with rice growth. The authors provide evidence from their experiments that suggest that intact biochar increases aboveground biomass, while washed biochar had little influence on plant growth at maturity or on dissolved organic C, total organic N, NH4+-N, or available P. Additionally, they found that both intact and washed biochar lowered N2O emissions from both near- and far- char zones.

The article is overall reliable; however there are some potential biases worth noting. For example, the authors do not explore any counterarguments to their findings or discuss any possible risks associated with using biochars as amendments to soils. Additionally, they do not present both sides of the argument equally; instead they focus solely on presenting evidence that supports their hypothesis that adding biochars can be beneficial for soil health. Furthermore, there is no mention of any promotional content within the article which could be seen as a bias towards promoting the use of biochars without considering any potential risks associated with them.

In conclusion, this article is overall reliable but does have some potential biases worth noting such as not exploring counterarguments or discussing possible risks associated with using biochars as amendments to soils, not presenting both sides of the argument equally, and no mention of promotional content within the article which could be seen as a bias towards promoting the use of biochars without considering any potential risks associated with them.