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Article summary:

1. The cable tray system is an important non-structural component in modern buildings, and it can be considered as a “lifeline”.

2. During earthquakes, the pounding of cable trays with other components can cause buckling and falling of electric cables, resulting in injuries or casualties.

3. This article proposes a theoretical analysis and optimization of toggle-brace damper for cable tray systems to improve their seismic performance.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of the importance of the cable tray system in modern buildings and how its failure during earthquakes can lead to serious consequences such as injuries or casualties. It then goes on to propose a theoretical analysis and optimization of toggle-brace damper for cable tray systems to improve their seismic performance. The article is well written and provides sufficient evidence for its claims, including references to previous studies that have been conducted on similar topics. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or alternative solutions that could be used to improve the seismic performance of cable tray systems. Additionally, it does not discuss any possible risks associated with using toggle-brace dampers for this purpose, which could be an important factor to consider when making decisions about how best to protect against earthquake damage. In conclusion, while this article provides useful information about the potential benefits of using toggle-brace dampers for improving seismic performance in cable tray systems, it should be read with caution due to its potential biases and lack of exploration into alternative solutions or risks associated with this approach.