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Article summary:

1. Digital medicine, digital research and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform diabetes prevention, management and research.

2. Data generated online and by digital technologies can be used to identify new digital markers and patterns of risk that can improve diabetes management and quality of life.

3. Digital technologies can provide tools to facilitate everyday decision-making for both healthcare professionals and patients living with diabetes.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting on the potential of digital technologies to transform diabetes prevention, management and research. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of digital technology in this field, as well as its potential applications in terms of identifying new digital markers and patterns of risk that can improve diabetes management and quality of life. The article also discusses how these technologies can provide tools to facilitate everyday decision-making for both healthcare professionals and patients living with diabetes.

The article does not appear to contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular technology or company, nor does it present any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration. However, it does not explore any possible risks associated with the use of these technologies, such as privacy concerns or data security issues. Additionally, while the article does discuss some potential benefits of using digital technologies in this field, it does not present any counterarguments or explore any potential drawbacks that could arise from their use.