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Article summary:

1. Ukrainian President Zelensky has stated that Ukraine has no plans to attack targets in Russia, but is preparing a counterattack to de-occupy territories currently under Russian control.

2. Germany has pledged €2.7bn worth of weapons to support Ukraine, including advanced tanks and anti-aircraft systems.

3. The war in Ukraine has transformed Germany's attitude towards the country, with the country moving from being a reluctant supplier of military hardware to virtually doubling its contribution overnight.

Article analysis:

The article "Ukraine war: Kyiv not attacking Russian territory - Zelensky" by BBC News provides an overview of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with a focus on President Volodymyr Zelensky's recent visit to Germany to secure a new defense aid package. While the article presents some important information, it also contains potential biases and missing points of consideration.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article's framing of the conflict as one in which Ukraine is defending itself against Russian aggression. While this is certainly true to some extent, it overlooks the fact that Ukraine has also engaged in military actions against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The article could have provided more context on the origins of the conflict and the actions taken by both sides.

The article also contains unsupported claims, such as Russia's accusation that Ukraine has repeatedly hit targets inside Russia. While this claim may be true, there is no evidence presented to support it. Additionally, the article does not explore counterarguments or provide evidence for Ukraine's denial of these accusations.

Missing points of consideration include the impact of Western countries' involvement in the conflict. The article briefly mentions Germany's increased contribution to Ukraine's defense aid package but does not delve into how this may escalate tensions between Russia and Western countries. Similarly, while President Zelensky received a prestigious award for his efforts to foster European unity, there is no discussion of how this may be perceived by Russia or how it may affect diplomatic relations between Europe and Russia.

Promotional content is evident in President Zelensky's description of Germany's new tranche as "the largest since the beginning of full-scale aggression" by Russia in February 2022. This statement serves to promote Germany's support for Ukraine while overlooking other factors that may have contributed to the escalation of violence.

Partiality is evident in the article's presentation of events from only one perspective. For example, the article reports on the destruction of drones and cruise missiles launched by Russia but does not provide information on any actions taken by Ukraine. Similarly, while the article notes that six people were killed in Russian shelling of Ukraine-held areas, it does not mention any casualties on the Russian side.

Overall, while the article provides some important information on the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it also contains potential biases and missing points of consideration. A more balanced approach that presents both sides equally and explores counterarguments would have provided a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.