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Article summary:

1. The Writers Guild strike involves the use of artificial intelligence in Hollywood, with writers asking for guardrails against being replaced by A.I.

2. While A.I. screenwriting may not be ready for prime time, streaming algorithms and derivative programming have prepared the way for it.

3. The rise of A.I. has workplace implications for writers and viewers alike, potentially leading to a stagnant popular culture that lacks invention and experimentation.

Article analysis:

The New York Times article "Striking Writers Are Worried About A.I. Viewers Should Be, Too." discusses the use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in Hollywood and its potential impact on the entertainment industry. The article highlights the concerns of writers who fear being replaced by A.I., having their work used to train A.I., or being hired to punch up A.I.-generated scripts at lower pay rates. The article also notes that algorithms are already being used to recommend content to viewers, with more than 80% of viewing on Netflix driven by the recommendation engine.

The article presents a balanced view of the issue, acknowledging both the potential benefits and risks of using A.I. in screenwriting. However, it does not provide enough evidence for some of its claims, such as the assertion that "the ability of chatbots to auto-generate all manner of writing is growing exponentially." It also overlooks some important points, such as the fact that A.I. can be used to augment human creativity rather than replace it entirely.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on the perspective of writers and their concerns about job security. While this is an important issue, it may not be the only consideration when it comes to using A.I. in screenwriting. The article could have explored other perspectives, such as those of producers or viewers who may value efficiency and cost savings over creative risk-taking.

Overall, "Striking Writers Are Worried About A.I. Viewers Should Be, Too." provides a thought-provoking analysis of a complex issue facing the entertainment industry. While it could benefit from more evidence and a broader range of perspectives, it raises important questions about how technology is changing our relationship with storytelling and creativity.