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Article summary:

1. Electrochemical oxidation is a promising way to remove organic compounds from wastewater.

2. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) anodes are recognized as the best electrode for electrooxidation of organic pollutants.

3. Recent advances in the use of BDD electrodes for mineralization of real wastewater have been summarized.

Article analysis:

The article “Boron-doped diamond electrodes for the mineralization of organic pollutants in the real wastewater” is a comprehensive review of recent advances in the use of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes for electrochemical oxidation processes for mineralization of real wastewater. The article provides an overview on the application of BDD electrodes and discusses their characteristic properties, degradation mechanism, and potential applications in detail.

The article is written by experts in the field and presents a balanced view on the topic, providing both advantages and disadvantages associated with using BDD electrodes for mineralization of real wastewater. The authors provide evidence to support their claims, citing relevant research studies and reports throughout the article. Furthermore, they discuss potential risks associated with using BDD electrodes such as corrosion stability under extreme acidic solutions and energy consumption by the electrodes.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic, balanced view on its advantages and disadvantages, evidence provided to support claims made, and discussion on potential risks associated with using BDD electrodes.