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Article summary:

1. Reinforcement corrosion of existing RC structures can lead to a reduction in seismic performance and even an overall collapse.

2. Numerous experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of reinforcement corrosion on the seismic performance of RC structures.

3. Numerical methods and modeling guidelines have also been proposed for assessing the seismic performance of corroded RC columns.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the research that has been conducted on the effects of reinforcement corrosion on the seismic performance of RC structures. The article cites numerous experimental studies and numerical methods that have been used to assess this issue, providing evidence for its claims. Furthermore, it acknowledges potential biases in previous research, such as most experiments being conducted with low axial compression ratios and high concrete strength, and suggests further research into these areas.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the article does mention possible risks associated with reinforcement corrosion, it does not provide any detailed information about how these risks can be mitigated or avoided. Additionally, while the article does present both sides of the argument (i.e., those who believe reinforcement corrosion has a detrimental effect on seismic performance and those who do not), it does not explore counterarguments or present any evidence for why one side may be more correct than another. Finally, there is no discussion about promotional content or partiality in the article; while this may not necessarily affect its trustworthiness or reliability, it would be beneficial to include this information for readers who are looking for a more balanced perspective on this issue.