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Urban growth shadows - ScienceDirect
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Article summary:

1. The proximity of a large urban center can have both positive and negative effects on the economic growth of neighboring smaller places, with urban shadows dominating between 1840 and 1920 and urban access taking over since then.

2. Changes in commuting costs have played a key role in shaping the relative strength of urban shadows and urban access, with improvements in local commuting infrastructure strengthening large cities' urban shadows before the widespread adoption of automobiles and highways made it possible for people to commute from the hinterland to urban centers instead.

3. A simple model of two cities shows that the evolution of different spatial frictions - inter-city commuting costs, intra-city commuting costs, and inter-city shipping costs - determines whether urban shadows or urban access dominate, with a non-monotonic relation between commuting costs and the growth of smaller cities.

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