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Article summary:

1. RKBU/RBUP centers are hosting webinars every other Friday between 10 and 11am on topics related to children, young people, and families.

2. The webinars will cover topics such as the use of mobile apps for mental health, the role of preschools in promoting mental health, understanding and responding to emotions in preschools and schools, involving children and young people in public services, foster care for children with migration backgrounds, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

3. Participants can register for the webinars via the kunnskapombarn website.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable as it provides detailed information about the upcoming webinars hosted by RKBU/RBUP centers. The article is well-written and easy to understand, providing clear information about the topics that will be discussed at each webinar as well as how to register for them. The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; instead it presents a balanced view of the topics that will be discussed at each webinar. Furthermore, there is no promotional content or partiality present in the article; instead it provides factual information about each webinar without attempting to sway readers towards any particular opinion or viewpoint. Additionally, potential risks associated with attending the webinars are not noted in the article; however this is likely due to the fact that there are no known risks associated with attending these events. In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable overall; however it would benefit from including more information about potential risks associated with attending these events if they exist.