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Article summary:

1. This paper provides a comprehensive review of up-to-date work on hydraulic bridge failures due to three factors: scour, flood, and floe ices.

2. A historical statistic analysis is conducted for bridge failures, focusing on the causes and features based on 1,700 cases collected over the past 200 years.

3. The aim of this paper is to provide a concise but comprehensive summary of information needed by researchers and engineers to understand the mechanisms of hydraulic failures of bridges and how current practices deal with these issues.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its content. It provides an extensive overview of the causes and features of hydraulic bridge failures due to scour, flood, and floe ices, as well as a historical statistic analysis based on 1,700 cases collected over the past 200 years. The authors also discuss relevant examples and applications adopted in current practices in order to provide a comprehensive summary of information needed by researchers and engineers to understand the mechanisms of hydraulic failures of bridges and how current practices deal with these issues.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; it presents both sides equally without any promotional content or partiality. All possible risks are noted throughout the article, such as climate change leading to an increase in hydraulic bridge failures in the future. Furthermore, all claims made are supported by evidence from relevant sources such as case studies or research papers. There are no missing points of consideration or unexplored counterarguments that could be included in order to further strengthen the article's reliability.