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GPT-4 | Discover AI use cases
Source: gpt3demo.com
May be slightly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. GPT-4 is the next-gen GPT model, which is currently not available yet.

2. OpenAI recently released Codex through API in private beta and it can interpret simple commands in natural language and execute them on users’ behalf.

3. Microsoft’s recently announced GPT-3 based assistive feature for the company’s PowerApps software that converts natural language into code snippets.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the upcoming GPT-4 model from OpenAI, as well as its potential applications in coding and natural language processing. The article is generally reliable, providing accurate information about the current state of development of GPT-4 and its potential applications. However, there are some points that could be further explored or clarified to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

First, while the article mentions that OpenAI has “line of sight” for developing GPT-4 with longer context and different loss functions, it does not provide any details about what these changes might entail or how they would affect the performance of the model. Additionally, while the article mentions Microsoft’s recent announcement regarding its use of GPT-3 for PowerApps software, it does not provide any details about how this application works or what benefits it provides to users.

Finally, while the article mentions that GPT-5 might be able to pass the Turing test, it does not provide any evidence to support this claim or explain why this might be possible. Furthermore, no counterarguments are presented regarding why such a feat may not be achievable with current technology or why such an effort may not be worth pursuing at all.

In conclusion, while generally reliable and informative overall, this article could benefit from further exploration into some of its claims and implications in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of GPT-4 and its potential applications.