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Article summary:

1. In the Middle East, consumers are enthusiastically adopting digital services, with high smartphone penetration rates in KSA and UAE.

2. McKinsey surveyed 1,400 consumers in KSA and UAE to understand their sentiments towards and experiences with digital-health services.

3. The survey revealed high levels of interest and awareness in such technologies, with potential for KSA and UAE to benefit from digital-health solutions in areas including chronic-disease management, diagnostics, and preventative care.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence for its claims through a survey of 1,400 consumers in KSA and UAE. The article also provides an exhibit to illustrate the potential market size of digital health solutions in both countries by 2026. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not provide any information on how the survey was conducted or who was surveyed (e.g., age range). Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments or risks associated with digital health solutions such as privacy concerns or data security issues. Furthermore, while the article mentions that “large majorities” of users continue to use digital health apps at least from time to time, it does not provide any evidence or statistics to support this claim. Finally, while the article mentions that nonusers expressed interest in trying online pharmacies and fitness apps, it does not provide any information on why they may be interested or what motivates them to try these apps.