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Article summary:

1. President Joe Biden is rolling out a new set of principles called the "Renters Bill of Rights" to improve rent affordability and protections for tenants.

2. Progressive Democrats have asked Biden to direct different agencies, including the FTC, to limit rent increases and protect tenants from rising rents.

3. The White House has held conversations with lawmakers about ensuring rental markets are fair and affordable for renters, but analysts are skeptical that the FTC could impose rent controls and that courts would uphold these policies if put in place.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of President Joe Biden's rollout of a new set of principles called the "Renters Bill of Rights" to improve rent affordability and protections for tenants. It provides an accurate overview of the letter sent by progressive Democrats asking Biden to take executive action to protect tenants from rising rents, as well as details on how different agencies have been tapped to root out practices that unfairly prevent applicants and tenants from accessing or staying in housing.

The article also accurately reports on the skepticism expressed by analysts regarding whether or not the FTC could impose rent controls and whether courts would uphold such policies if put in place. However, it does not provide any counterarguments or explore other possible solutions that could be implemented instead of federal residential rent control. Additionally, it does not mention any potential risks associated with implementing such policies, nor does it present both sides equally when discussing this issue.

In terms of bias, there is no evidence that the article is biased towards either side of this debate; however, it does appear to be slightly more sympathetic towards progressive Democrats' call for federal residential rent control than it is towards those who oppose such measures.