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Article summary:

1. L-Acoustics has announced its latest line source technology, the L Series, which uses patented Progressive Ultra-Dense Line Source (PULS) technology to provide power, control and consistency in line array design.

2. The L Series comprises two elements that can be used together or separately: L2 above and L2D below. One element provides the same contour as four K2 elements in a format that is 46% smaller and 40% lighter.

3. The operating efficiencies of the L Series originate from its shape, with no inter-element angles, a pin-less auto-lock rigging system and a single cable connector, leading to a three-fold decrease in loading time versus a similar K2 configuration or up to five times faster than Kara II.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of L-Acoustics' new L Series, which features Progressive Ultra-Dense Line Source (PULS) technology and promises ultimate power, control, and consistency in line array design. The article highlights the benefits of the L Series, including industry-leading SPL per size, unparalleled consistency over the audience area, and improved rejection everywhere else. It also notes that the L Series is frugal in resources and impactful on the environment.

However, the article appears to be promotional in nature and lacks critical analysis or exploration of potential drawbacks or limitations of the technology. It does not provide evidence for some of its claims, such as the three-fold decrease in loading time versus a similar K2 configuration or up to five times faster than Kara II. Additionally, it only presents positive feedback from pilot phase partners and does not explore any potential negative feedback or criticisms.

Overall, while the article provides useful information about L-Acoustics' new technology, it lacks critical analysis and presents a one-sided view of its benefits without exploring potential drawbacks or limitations.