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Article summary:

1. Throughout history, religions, philosophies and narratives have been created to answer questions about the afterlife and how life should be lived.

2. Ken Wilber suggests that the premodern "Great Chain of Being" needs to be updated with modern and postmodern discoveries in order to create a postmetaphysical integral system.

3. This system would recognize both the exterior (matter-energy) and interior (consciousness) aspects of all holons (realities, events, things, people), as well as their individual and collective aspects.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of Ken Wilber's views on postmetaphysical integralism. The author provides a clear overview of Wilber's ideas on the subject, including his view that the premodern "Great Chain of Being" needs to be updated with modern and postmodern discoveries in order to create a postmetaphysical integral system. The article also provides an explanation of what this system would look like, noting that it would recognize both the exterior (matter-energy) and interior (consciousness) aspects of all holons (realities, events, things, people), as well as their individual and collective aspects.

The article does not appear to contain any biases or one-sided reporting; rather, it presents Wilber's views objectively without attempting to promote them or downplay any potential counterarguments or risks associated with them. Additionally, there are no unsupported claims made in the article; rather, it provides a detailed explanation of Wilber's views on postmetaphysical integralism which is supported by evidence from his writings.

The only potential issue with the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on Wilber's views; however, this is understandable given that its purpose is simply to provide an overview of his ideas rather than engage in a debate about them. All in all, this article can be considered reliable and trustworthy for those seeking an introduction to Ken Wilber's views on postmetaphysical integralism.