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Article summary:

1. Elon Musk's company OpenAI has created an AI chatbot, ChatPT, which is capable of outperforming some MBA students on core exams.

2. Business schools are discussing the implications of ChatGPT and other similar tools, and are considering policies to mitigate their use.

3. While ChatGPT is impressive in its language and analytical skills, it lacks numeracy skills and cannot fully replicate the complex decision-making and critical-thinking skills developed through MBA programs.

Article analysis:

The article “AI chatbot’s MBA exam pass poses test for business schools | Financial Times” provides a detailed overview of the potential implications of Elon Musk’s company OpenAI’s AI chatbot, ChatGPT, on business school education. The article is written by a reputable source (Financial Times) and includes quotes from various experts in the field such as professors from Wharton School of Business, University of Michigan Ross Business School, Imperial College Business School in London, etc., which adds credibility to the claims made in the article.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article that should be noted. For example, while the article does mention that Elon Musk has long dismissed the MBA as irrelevant or damaging, it fails to provide any evidence or counterarguments to support this claim. Additionally, while it does mention that Microsoft is considering investing $10 billion into OpenAI on top of its previous $1 billion investment in 2019, it fails to explore any potential risks associated with such a large investment or any possible conflicts of interest between Microsoft and OpenAI. Furthermore, while it does mention that ChatGPT could potentially threaten careers such as consultants who churn out reports and recommendations due to its strong performance in “playing the role of that smart consultant”, it fails to explore any possible counterarguments or alternative solutions for those affected by this technology.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting overview of the potential implications of AI chatbots on business school education and includes quotes from various experts in the field which adds credibility to its claims made throughout the article; there are still some potential biases present which should be noted when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.