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Article summary:

1. A “cellule de dégrisement” is a regular cell used to detain people for up to 24 hours, usually for public intoxication or other disturbances.

2. There are strict technical standards that must be met in order for a cell to be considered suitable for detention, including minimum size, height, lighting, heating, and safety features.

3. Before being placed in a cell, detainees must surrender their personal effects and undergo a search which must be conducted with respect to the person's privacy and dignity.

Article analysis:

This article from rtbf.be provides an overview of what a “cellule de dégrisement” is and the standards that must be met in order for it to be suitable for detention. The article is written in an informative style and provides some detail on the legal requirements as well as practical considerations such as searches before placement in cells.

The article appears to be reliable overall; it cites relevant laws and regulations governing cells of detention, provides examples of technical standards that must be met, and outlines the process of searching detainees before they are placed in cells. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while the author does mention the death of Sourour A., 46 years old, in a cell of detention in Brussels which caused "profound emotion", no further details or context are provided about this incident which could lead readers to draw their own conclusions without having all the facts at hand. Additionally, while the author does mention that searches must respect privacy and dignity when conducted on detainees, there is no discussion about how this might not always happen or what recourse exists if it does not happen as intended.

In conclusion, this article from rtbf.be provides an informative overview of what a “cellule de dégrisement” is and the standards that must be met for it to be suitable for detention; however there are some potential biases present which should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.