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Article summary:

1. On-chip routers in Network-on-Chips play a key role in on-chip communication between cores, resulting in a larger standby power of routers compared with cores.

2. Run-time power gating of individual channels in a router is one of attractive solutions to reduce the standby power of chip without affecting the on-chip communication.

3. A sleep control method based on look-ahead routing is proposed to detect the arrival of packets two hops ahead, so as to hide the wake-up delay and reduce the short-term sleeps of channels.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of run-time power gating for on-chip routers using look-ahead routing, and presents a proposed sleep control method based on this approach. The article is well written and provides sufficient detail about the topic, including an analysis of power consumption for a typical on-chip router architecture and an evaluation of the proposed sleep control method.

The article does not appear to be biased or partial towards any particular point of view, as it presents both sides equally and does not make unsupported claims or omit counterarguments. It also does not contain any promotional content or present risks without noting them.

The only potential issue with the article is that it does not explore all possible counterarguments or points of consideration related to run-time power gating for on-chip routers using look-ahead routing. For example, it does not discuss potential drawbacks or limitations associated with this approach such as increased complexity or cost. Additionally, while it provides an evaluation of the proposed sleep control method, it does not provide evidence for its claims regarding improved performance or reduced power consumption compared to other methods.