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Article summary:

1. Large language models (LLMs) have exceptional ability in language understanding, generation, interaction, and reasoning, but they lack the ability to process complex information such as vision and speech.

2. LLMs can coordinate with external models to utilize their powers by incorporating model descriptions into prompts, enabling them to invoke external models for solving AI tasks.

3. HuggingGPT is a system that connects LLMs (i.e., ChatGPT) and ML community (i.e., HuggingFace), which can process inputs from different modalities and solve numerous complex AI tasks by using language as a generic interface.

Article analysis:



其次,该文章忽略了对所提出概念进行更深入探讨的必要性。例如,“Language is a generic interface for LLMs to connect AI models”这一概念需要更多的论证和支持证据才能被广泛接受。

