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Article summary:

1. Drug pricing negotiations in China have resulted in significant price decreases for a number of medications. The National Healthcare Security Administration and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that 70 first-negotiated drugs saw an average price decrease of 60.7%, while 27 re-negotiated medicines had an average price fall of 26.4%. These negotiations involved drugs from 11 disease categories and were successfully incorporated into the National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL).

2. The drugs that were included in the NRDL are mostly newly listed medications with high clinical value, and over half of them are manufactured by Chinese enterprises. Compared to the negotiated drug list in 2017, there was a significant increase in western medicines related to digestive system medications, with 10 drugs being added. Additionally, traditional Chinese medicine related to internal medicine saw an increase of 17 drugs.

3. The drug pricing negotiation process in China has introduced several innovations, including parallel calculation of the floor price, competitive negotiations, allowing companies to apply for price confidentiality, and increasing government-enterprise communication before negotiations. Incorporating patent drugs into the NRDL through negotiation not only helps reduce the economic burden on patients but also encourages pharmaceutical companies to innovate.

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