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Article summary:

1. Androgens, such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), may be a potential biomarker for promoting anti-PD-1 efficacy in patients with HER2 and Luminal B breast cancer.

2. The expression of androgen receptor (AR) has a significant correlation with overall survival advantage for Luminal B patients.

3. Testosterone and DHT are positively correlated with the PD-1 expression on Vδ1+ T cells in HER2 and Luminal B patients, suggesting a potential approach of combining androgens with PD-1 blockade for treating these types of breast cancer.

Article analysis:


首先,文章的标题可能会误导读者认为雄激素是促进抗PD-1疗法有效性的生物标志物。然而,在文章中并没有直接证明这一点,而只是提出了雄激素与PD-1表达之间的相关性,并建议将雄激素与PD-1阻断联合使用来治疗HER2和Luminal B乳腺癌。因此,标题可能存在夸大其词的嫌疑。



