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Article summary:

1. Research on the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is important for realizing a sustainable and economically feasible hydrogen-based economy.

2. The understanding of HER in alkaline media is limited due to lack of systematic studies on surfaces other than Pt in a broad pH window, and sole focus on the hydrogen adsorbed on the metal surface as the key descriptor for HER.

3. Non-covalent interactions between water molecules and alkali metal cations have been shown to play a significant role in determining the HER activity by locally interacting with the reactants/products of HER.

Article analysis:

The article “The Interrelated Effect of Cations and Electrolyte pH on the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Gold Electrodes in Alkaline Media” by Goyal (2021) is an informative and reliable source of information about the effects of cations and electrolyte pH on the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The article provides an overview of current research into this topic, including relevant experiments conducted by various researchers, as well as theoretical explanations for observed trends. The author also discusses potential implications for future research into this area.

The article is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand even for readers who are not familiar with electrochemistry or related topics. Furthermore, all claims made by the author are supported by evidence from relevant experiments or theoretical models, which adds to its trustworthiness and reliability. Additionally, all potential biases are noted throughout the article, such as focusing solely on platinum surfaces or only considering hydrogen adsorption as a key descriptor for HER activity. This helps to ensure that readers are aware of any potential limitations when interpreting results presented in this article.

In conclusion, this article provides an accurate overview of current research into cations and electrolyte pH effects on HER activity at gold electrodes in alkaline media. It is written clearly and concisely, with all claims supported by evidence from relevant experiments or theoretical models. Furthermore, potential biases are noted throughout the article which helps to ensure that readers are aware of any limitations when interpreting results presented here.