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Article summary:

1. Microwave energy offers many advantages in materials processing over conventional heat sources, including greater flexibility, speed and energy savings, improved product quality and properties.

2. The discipline of microwave-assisted polymer chemistry (MAPC) can be categorized into two major fields: microwave-assisted polymer physics (MAPP) and microwave assisted polymer chemistry (MARC).

3. This paper provides an overview of the state-of-the-art research on MAPC, including polymer processing, synthesis, plasma modification of surfaces, degradation and production of nanomaterials.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a comprehensive overview of the field of MAPC with detailed information on its various aspects such as polymer processing, synthesis, plasma modification of surfaces, degradation and production of nanomaterials. The authors have provided evidence for their claims by citing relevant studies from the literature. Furthermore, they have discussed potential challenges to commercialization and future directions for the field.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For instance, while the authors have discussed potential challenges to commercialization and future directions for the field, they do not provide any concrete solutions or recommendations on how these challenges can be addressed or how progress can be made in this area. Additionally, while they discuss possible risks associated with microwave processing technologies such as radiation exposure or thermal runaway reactions due to overheating of materials during processing, they do not provide any details on how these risks can be mitigated or avoided.

In conclusion, overall the article is reliable and trustworthy but could benefit from more detailed discussion on potential solutions to challenges faced by MAPC as well as strategies for mitigating risks associated with microwave processing technologies.