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Article summary:

1. Social robots are increasingly being integrated into hospitality services, but managing interactions with human employees is complex as employees are traditionally expected to embody the operationalisation of the marketing relationship.

2. Empirical investigation is needed to understand how visitors' experiences can be enhanced while leveraging opportunities that stem from the socially constructed nature of human-robot interaction in tourism and hospitality.

3. The study presents a theoretically justified SEM model that incorporates scales developed in service-quality models, tangibles, service assurance, empathy and personal engagement, and information sharing characterising relational motivations to understand visitors' intentions to use social robots in hospitality services.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Leveraging human-robot interaction in hospitality services: Incorporating the role of perceived value, empathy, and information sharing into visitors’ intentions to use social robots" provides a comprehensive overview of the potential benefits and challenges associated with incorporating social robots into hospitality services. The authors argue that while social robots can enhance visitor experiences by providing responsive and immediate service, they also pose significant challenges for traditional service providers who rely on human employees to embody the operationalisation of the marketing relationship.

The article is well-researched and draws on a range of theoretical constructs related to HRI within the tourism services and hospitality fields. The authors provide a detailed overview of the key dimensions that influence visitors' intentions to use social robots, including perceived value, empathy, information sharing, tangibles, service assurance, and personal engagement. They also highlight the importance of considering post-technology acceptance dimensions and intention behaviours related to already partially implemented technology.

However, there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. For example, the authors focus primarily on the potential benefits of incorporating social robots into hospitality services without fully exploring potential risks or drawbacks. Additionally, they do not present both sides equally when discussing the impact of social robots on traditional service providers.

Furthermore, while the authors provide a comprehensive overview of theoretical constructs related to HRI within tourism services and hospitality fields, they do not provide sufficient evidence for some of their claims. For example, they suggest that humanoid appearance is significant but do not provide empirical evidence to support this claim.

Overall, this article provides valuable insights into how social robots can be leveraged in hospitality services. However, readers should be aware of potential biases and limitations in its analysis.