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Article summary:

1. Missed call notification emails are enabled by default, but text message notifications require a one-time setup.

2. To turn on or off missed call notifications, go to the Manage Voice Mail section in Outlook and select or clear the "Send an e-mail message to my Inbox when I miss a phone call" checkbox.

3. To set up text message notifications, also go to Manage Voice Mail and click "Set up notifications," then follow the prompts to enter your mobile device information and receive a passcode.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a critical analysis of the article's content as it is a straightforward instructional guide on how to turn on or off missed call notifications in Microsoft Unified Messaging. The article provides step-by-step instructions for users with Exchange Server 2010 and 2007 accounts to set up email or text message notifications for missed calls and voicemail messages. It also notes that text message notifications require a one-time setup.

The article does not contain any biases, unsupported claims, missing evidence, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content, partiality, or possible risks. It is a technical support document that aims to help users configure their notification settings in Microsoft Unified Messaging.

In conclusion, the article is informative and helpful for users who want to manage their missed call notifications in Microsoft Unified Messaging. However, it does not provide any critical analysis or opinions on the topic.